Court Fees Act, 1870 MCQs

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on the Court Fees Act, 1870 especially compiled for Chhattisgarh Civil Judge Examination.

Court Fees Act MCQs


1. The Court Fees Act is ___________.

a) Act No. 5 of 1870

b) Act No. 7 of 1870

c) Act No. 8 of 1871

d) Act No. 7 of 1871

Answer – b)

2. The Court Fees Act came into force on ____________.

a) 1st April, 1870

b) 1st April, 1871

c) 1st March, 1870

d) 1st May, 1870

Answer – a)

3. The present Court Fees Act replaced the ____________.

a) Act No. 36 of 1860

b) Act No. 26 of 1867

c) Act No. 10 of 1862

d) All the above

Answer – b)

4. The latest amendment in Court Fees (Chhattisgarh Amendment) Act was in –

a) 2016

b) 2017

c) 2018

d) 2020

Answer – b)

5. Under the Court Fees Act, if any difference arises between the officer whose duty is to see that any fee is paid under the Act and any suitor as to the necessity of paying a fee in the High Courts, it shall be referred to the ____________.

a) Judge of High Court

b) Revenue Department

c) Registrar

d) Taxing-officer

Answer – d)

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6. Under the Court Fees Act, who is empowered to declare who shall be the taxing-officer?

a) Judge of High Court

b) Chief Justice of High Court

c) State Government

d) Governor

Answer – b)

7. Which section of the Court Fees Act deals with computation of fees payable in certain suits?

a) Section 5

b) Section 6

c) Section 7

d) Section 8

Answer – c)

8. Under the Court Fees Act, in a suit for money including suits for damages or compensation or arrears of maintenance, of annuities, the court fee shall be computed as ______________.

a) Five times the amount claimed

b) Ten times the amount claimed

c) Fifteen times the amount claimed

d) According to the amount claimed

Answer – d)

9. Under which of the following cases, the court fees under the Court Fees Act shall not be computed according to the amount at which the relief is sought by the plaintiff?

a) For movable property of no market-value

b) For an injunction

c) For easement

d) For movable property having market-value

Answer – d)

10. Under the Court Fees Act, where the subject-matter of suit is a house or garden, the computation of fee is done according to _____________.

a) The market-value of the house or garden

b) Ten times the land revenue paid to the Government

c) Fifteen times the net received from such house or garden

d) None of the above

Answer – a)

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